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Partial Passenger Manifest - Transcribed by Loretta Barnard.

The S.S. Lucania sailed from Queenstown (Ireland) to New York, arriving 30 April 1898.

The following is a transcription of one page of the manifest entries. All information is included provided it is ledgible. Some entries were crossed out, presumably as checked off, and are not ledgible or the quality of the copy is such that I cannot read it. Apostrophes in surnames were left out in transcription.

Information catagories cited, in order, include:

Name in Full/Age (Years & Mos)/Sex (M or F)/Single or Married (S or M)/Calling or Occupation/Able to Read and Write/Nationality/Last Residence/Seaport for Landing in the US (NEW YORK in all cases)/Final Destination in the United States (State, City or Town)/Whether having a ticket to said destination/By Whom was Passage Paid/Whether in possession of money, if no, whether more than $30 and how much if $30 or less/Whether ever been to the United States, and if so when and where/Whether going to join a relative, and if so, what relative, their name and address/Ever in Prison, Almshouse or Supported by Charity, if so state which/Whether a Polygamist/Next entry illegible/Certificate of Health, Mental and Physical/Deformed or Crippled, nature or cause.

A ? will follow any entry which was difficult to decipher due to fading, handwriting, strike-outs, etc.

The entry read/write translates to an answer of yes for reading and writing ability.

KERRY, TOM 22 M S lab read/
Irish Tralee NY Jersey City, NJ no sister $10 no sister Ellen Kerry, 12 Stephen, Jersey City no further entries - - - -
CASEY, BRIDGET 19 F S servt read/
Irish Tralee NY Jersey City, NJ no brother $10 no brother Joseph 192 Fifth Ave, Jercey City no no no good no
HINES, SARAH 21 F S servt read/
Irish Elin NY Chi., Ill yes sister $5 no sister Mary Hines, 2710 W. Lake St., Chicago no no no good no.
FERRARE?, KATE 21 F S servt read/
Irish Elin - Chi. Ill yes sister $2.50 no sister Mary Fernane, 47 Daton W?, Chicago, Ill no no no good no.
OSULLIVAN, JOHANNA 17? F S servt read/
Irish Kenmare NY Chi., Ill - brother $6 approx no brother John ? O1Sullivan, 1618 Maplewood Drive, Chicago no no no good no
HALLORAN, KATE 21? F S servt read/
Irish Tralee NY Jersey City, NJ no sister $10 no sister Margaret? Halloran, 127 Hamblin? St, Jersey City no no no good no.
HIGGINS, KATE 21 F S servt read/
Irish Tralee NY Jersey City, NJ no sister $10 no sister Mary Higgins, 87 North 12? no no no good no
DRISCOLL, HANNAH 19 F S servt read/
Irish Clonakilty NY ? yes brother $2 no sister no no no good no
HUNT, LIZZIE ? F S child read/
Irish Mohill NY Bklyn, NY yes sister $2.50? sister N? Hunt, 52 Third Ave, Brooklyn - no no no good no.

"The Fine Print"

State Coordinator: Robert [Bob] Sullivan
Assistant State Coordinator: Tim Stowell
County Coordinator: Martha A C Graham
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Updated: 27 March 2024
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